Career program

Become a Data Engineer in 8‑12 months.

97.9% of our graduates land jobs. You can too.

Education team from



8-12 months



Full price

“The amount of data globally is increasing 20% YoY - this is why data engineer roles are hugely in demand. They create systems to collect that data at scale - without them, data analysts and scientists don’t have work to do.”

Dovydas Čeilutka

Decision Data Scientist @ Vinted

Learn from the curriculum that guarantees skills

Our program is created by senior data engineers and focused on helping you to get hired and apply your skills from day one after graduation.

Introduction to data engineering

Intermediate Python and Git, Relational Databases & SQL.

Fundamentals of data engineering

Advanced Python and Linux Shell Commands, Managing Relational Databases and Advanced SQL, Working with Data Pipelines and Apache Airflow.

Intermediate data engineering

Data Warehousing and dbt, Intro to MLOps, Docker and Working with Containers.

Individual specialisation module

Work on real-life data engineering projects and build a portfolio. Specialization modules available: AWS, GCP, Hadoop Ecosystem.

Flexible graduation

Dedicating at least 15 hours of focused learning per week you can graduate in 9 months. Of course there is no limits on how fast you can graduate. Learn how to plan your graduation date ↗

Build a portfolio that proves your skills to tech companies

The best way to learn data engineering is to get hands-on experience using real data. In this program, you will complete at least 9 projects and 3 capstone projects, and build an interview-ready portfolio you can show to tech companies.

While working on your capstone project, you will:

Master Hadoop, Apache Spark, Azure and Docker

Create, scale, and deploy data pipelines

Build unique practical projects so you can land the job you want

Examples of projects

Set up a data warehouse for a car-trading platform startup launching in a new market.

Prepare and make available the data for a large e-commerce company willing to generate their own e-books with a Large Language Model.

Make data usable by different data teams to build an experimental recommender system.

Create a pipeline for a hedge fund using bespoke trading strategies that use machine learning models.

Learn from professionals who are 100% up‑to‑date with the industry trends

Giedrius Žebrauskas

Head of Education

Gabrielė Stravinskaitė

Data Engineer at Spotify

Our students were hired by:

Unlike any other online college in the world

If you’ve tried Coursera or a low-cost course, you know learning alone has its limits. Humans learn best with 1on1 tutoring. Turing College’s proven 1on1-centric approach means you have all the personal support you need to succeed.

Tutoring from Senior Team Leads

Build skills faster with 1on1 support from industry experts and mentorship. And because some of your Senior Team Lead are managers in their companies, they might even hire you.

Confidence from your career coach

Your coach will help you personalize your job search strategy and give you resume feedback. They will also improve your chances of securing a position by roleplaying tech and HR job interviews with you.

Mastery from teaching others

Science shows that the best way to learn is by teaching others. At Turing College, we give you the opportunity to review the work of junior learners.

Collaboration from your community

You will have regular weekly standups. These meetings provide you with the opportunity to share, and discuss topics and problems with Senior Team Leads.

Learn anytime, anywhere

Dedicating at least 15 hours of focused learning per week you can graduate in 9 months. Of course there is no limits on how fast you can graduate. Learn how to plan your graduation date.


Employment rate


Student nationalities


Active students

*Job-qualified graduates received an offer and were employed within 6 months of graduation.

How to get in?

We have a 2 part application process which requires you to first complete an application and then answer video questions.


Admissions rate

3 weeks

Median application time


Applicant’s countries

Admission criteria
Fluent in english

Candidates must demonstrate an English proficiency of at least B2 level to be admitted to any program.

Dedication of 15-30 focused hours per week

Focused hours are:
- Working with the computer (not a smartphone);
- Undisrupted working time in dedicated space;
- Rested, not overworked (not after intense cognitive work).

Advanced programming skills

Have minimum education or work experience:
- Computer science or data science degree;
- or a proven track record of work experience related to programming and data.

Up-to-date computer

A computer on which you can freely install tools and which has an actively supported and updated operating system.

Have questions or doubts about the program?
Book a consultation call with us!

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Program price 6,480. Tuition is flexible:

Save 17%

Upfront discount

30-day money-back guarantee



Pay in 12 months


30-day money-back guarantee



Funded by hiring partners


🇪🇺 Top 5% of applicants, EU residents only

Learn for free

UZT funding

🇱🇹 LT residents only

Turing College is for those who want to master data science.

Edvard Sivickij

Data Analyst @ Kilo Health

Turing College changed my life forever! Studying at Turing College was one of the best things that happened to me.

Linda Oranya

Data scientist @ Metasite Data Insights

After the program, I was able to get into work and solve real business problems easily.

Ovidijus Kuzminas

ML engineer @ Oxus.AI

Students from

Why alternatives don’t work


We encourage you to read. But it can take years to cover even the basics and most importantly, books won’t teach you real-life work experience and skills.

Other bootcamps

Most bootcamps lack depth and offer little in the way of 1-on-1 feedback. You’ll get a nice certificate, but might still be stuck with only the most basic knowledge.

Coursera, DataCamp

Essential skills are best learned through real-life projects and expert feedback. Online courses offer a lonely path, leaving learners unsure of their next steps once they feel job-ready.


In what cases can I lose my scholarship?
1. If you violate one of job search/hiring conditions:

a. During your studies or within 1 month of graduation, you can only apply to any company if Turing College has confirmed that you can do this (this applies for both Hiring Partners and other companies). Turing College is allowed to make the decision as to whether an application is confirmed based on individual criteria for each case. You can apply to any company without confirmation 1 month after your graduation.

b. If you apply to a Hiring Partner and receive an offer that meets your expectations (the salary range for the position is provided by us before you apply), but you then decline that offer without a good reason. An example of a good reason would be that you accepted another offer from a Hiring Partner, or that some new requirements such as relocation were added to the job offer.

2. You cannot maintain a minimum learning speed:

For you to graduate from Turing College in a reasonable timeframe, we define a minimum learning pace requirement. We have seen that only by maintaining a consistent pace can students successfully graduate from Turing College. The minimum learning speeds for students who receive a 100% scholarship are as follows:

  • For our data science program. Your average learning speed should not be slower than completing a sprint in 3 weeks on average. This equates to finishing 3 modules in 9 months;
  • For our data analytics program. You should complete our program in no longer than 8 months.

Violating one of these conditions will lead to termination of your scholarship. If a scholarship is terminated, you will need to return the full amount of the scholarship you have received. We implement these scholarship terms to ensure we attract students who are serious about pursuing careers in a related field to their program.

If I lose my scholarship will I need to cover it?

Yes, you will need to cover a part of the full-tuition fee depending on when you lost your scholarship.

The sum is counted proportionally (12 months = 100% of the Data Science program, 6 months = 100% of the Data Analytics program).

Example: If you withdraw from Turing College or your scholarship is terminated after two months from the beginning of your Data Science Program, then you will have to return a part of the scholarship equal to two monthly Installment Payments or 2/12 of the full price, which is roughly 800 Eur.

What salary should I expect when being hired by the companies?
It depends on 4 variables:

1) Your place of work. Salaries for the same position are higher in Silicon Valley than in Lithuania due to higher cost of living, demand/supply dynamics, and other factors.

2) The position you are aiming for. If your plan is to secure a data analytics position after completing a data science program, your salary might be lower.

3) Your experience and skills.

4) Performance on interview and your negotiation skills. Even the best candidates have bad days, when answering questions, no matter how simple, proves difficult. Needless to say, this can have an impact on the initial offer you receive. Your final salary will also to a large extent depend on the success of negotiations after the interview.

Salaries in Europe and elsewhere

If you’re interested in working in another European country,  we would advise you to start with Glassdoor’s base pay calculator by choosing the relevant country or city. Please have in mind, though, that base pay estimates can be off by as much as 20% because they average out not only junior, but also  mid and senior positions. Despite this margin of error,  base pay estimates can still be useful for  identifying reasonable offers. You should expect to get a salary close to the base pay level, without feeling pressured  to accept offers that fall more than  20% below the base salary in a particular country.,7_IC2913721_KO8,22.htm?clickSource=careerNav

How does Turing College help with getting a job?

Aside from the skills gained by completing the programme, there are 3 additional ways that we offer support to our students:

1) With our Endorsement Program, you will go through a simulation of a real hiring process from the very beginning to the end. You will also be trained on how to prepare your Linkedin profile, structure your projects on Github, answer interview questions, and apply for jobs in a systematic way.

2) Referrals to our Hiring Partners. Endorsed students will be recommended to Hiring partners, who are always on the lookout for different types of specialists.

3) Referrals from our staff, mentors and alumni. We have mentors from companies like Tesla, Google, IBM, and Vinted. If they feel confident in your skills, they can refer you. If you do receive a referral from them, in most cases you will be invited to the interview stage.

What if you haven’t heard from us within 24 hours since the application?

Check your spam/promotions folder for our email. If not found, contact us via website live chat.

How likely am I to get the EU resident scholarship?

The likelihood of receiving the scholarship depends on several factors:
1) Residency: You must reside in the European Union.
2) Performance in the interview: You need to demonstrate a strong drive to learn and grow, both during the program and in your future career.  
3) Commitment: You should have a clear intention to work full-time in a related industry after completing the program and be able to dedicate at least 20 hours per week to your studies.
4) Competition: The scholarship is awarded to the top 5% of applicants. Your chances of receiving the scholarship will depend on the performance of other applicants in the interview process.

If you meet the residency requirement, showcase your potential and commitment during the interview, and rank among the top 5% of applicants, you will have a good chance of receiving the scholarship. However, please have in mind that the competition is really high.

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